Could Digestive Problems Be the Cause of Your Stomach Pain?

September 23, 2024
Stomach Pain

A patient recently came to the clinic, complaining of frequent stomach pain and digestive discomfort, especially after meals. They had tried adjusting their diet and taking over-the-counter medications, but nothing seemed to provide lasting relief. After a closer look, we discovered that their pain was due to underlying digestive problems. Let’s explore how issues with digestion can cause stomach pain and how we can address it.

1. Symptom: Stomach Pain and Digestive Discomfort

The patient reported experiencing stomach pain after meals, along with bloating and indigestion. The pain was located in the upper abdomen and often came with a feeling of fullness and gas buildup, making it difficult to eat comfortably.

2. Cause: Poor Digestive Function

The root cause of the patient’s discomfort was poor digestive function, particularly in the large intestine. When the digestive system slows down, food is not properly broken down, leading to the production of excess gas and bloating. This gas buildup stretches the walls of the intestines and creates pressure, which can radiate to the stomach and cause pain.

Additionally, improper digestion can cause inflammation in the stomach lining, further contributing to the discomfort. Over time, these issues lead to chronic pain, making it difficult to enjoy meals without experiencing discomfort.

3. Treatment Principles: Improving Digestive Function

The goal of treatment was to improve digestive efficiency and reduce the production of gas and bloating. By focusing on stimulating the digestive organs and promoting better function, we aimed to relieve the pressure in the stomach and reduce the associated pain.

  • Stimulating Digestion: Acupuncture was used to target specific points in the abdomen that are connected to the digestive system. By stimulating these points, we helped the body speed up digestion and reduce gas buildup.
  • Reducing Inflammation: Acupuncture also helped to reduce inflammation in the stomach lining, which contributed to the pain and discomfort. This helped the patient’s stomach recover from the chronic irritation caused by poor digestion.

4. Treatment Methods: Acupuncture and Dietary Adjustments

The patient’s treatment involved a combination of acupuncture and dietary changes to address the underlying digestive issues:

  • Acupuncture: Fine needles were placed in key areas of the abdomen to stimulate digestive function and relieve the pressure caused by gas buildup. This helped reduce bloating and ease the discomfort in the stomach.
  • Dietary Adjustments: The patient was advised to make adjustments to their diet, focusing on easily digestible foods and reducing those that produce excessive gas, such as fried foods and carbonated drinks. This helped improve digestion and prevent further gas buildup.
  • Hydration and Fiber Intake: The patient was also encouraged to drink more water and increase their fiber intake to promote healthy bowel movements and improve overall digestive health.

Conclusion: Treating Digestive Issues Can Relieve Stomach Pain

This case highlights the important connection between digestive health and stomach pain. By addressing the root cause of the digestive issues, we were able to relieve the patient’s discomfort and improve their quality of life.

If you’re struggling with stomach pain and can’t find relief, it may be time to look deeper into your digestive health. Improving digestion can help reduce pain and discomfort, allowing you to enjoy meals and life without the constant worry of digestive issues.

Dr. Olivia Choi, L.AC, DACM, VIVE Energy Medicine

Dr. Olivia Choi, L. AC, DACM

VIVE Energy Medicine
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